First Name(Required)Surname(Required)Branch(Required)Email Address(Required)Mobile Phone Number:(Required)Accommodation Requirements:The conference will take place at Hotel Realm, 22 National Cct, Barton. Accommodation is also reserved. Please let us know your accommodation requirements below.Room Type - Please select your preferred room type:(Required) Realm Room ($260 per night) Realm Suite ($290 per night) No accommodation required Your check-in date at the hotel:(Required) Sun, 18 September 2022 Mon, 19 September 2022 Tue, 20 September 2022 Wed, 21 September 2022 No accommodation required Your check-out date:(Required) Wed, 21 September 2022 Thur, 22 September 2022 No accommodation required Will you be accompanied by your spouse, partner or children?(Required) No Yes If yes, please indicate their name (and age for children):Conference Events:Please indicate whether you and / or your partner / children will attend the following events.Welcome / Lawyers Network Function (Tue 20 Sept - 6.30 to 8.30pm)(Required) You Partner Child 1 Child 2 No, I am unable to attend National Police Bravery Awards Dinner (Wed 21 Sept - 7pm - National Museum of Australia)(Required) You Partner Child 1 Child 2 No, I am unable to attend Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or other special requests: